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Articles sent to the Journal NUSRA (Journal of Research and Education) are the results of research for all levels of education that meet scientific writing standards and are not in the process of being published in the other journals.
Example of writing bibliography / references
Book: Brown, H.D. 2017. Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices. White Plains: Pearson Education.
Article in scientific journal: Abbas, M. Fadhly Farhy. 2015. Analysis of students' ability in writing a research proposal. ELT-Lectura, Vol. 2 No.2: 44-47.
Minithesis, Thesis, Dissertation: Choo, S. (2016). Investigating Ideology in the Literature curriculum in Singapore. Unpublished master's thesis. Department of English Language and Literature: National University of Singapore.
Online sources: Deane, P., Odendahl, N., Quinlan. T., Flowles, M., Welsh, C., & Tatum, J. B. (2008). Cognitive models of writing: Writing proficiency as a complex integrated skill. Retrieved February 9, 2014, from
Publication without author's name: Curriculum Planning and Development Division. (2017). Literature in English, teaching syllabus. Ministry of Education: Singapore.
Newspaper article: Big drop in students studying O-level literature. (2018, August 16). The Straits Times, p. 3.
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