
  • Mustafa universitas pamulang



Creative, Visionary, The Power of the Prophet's Love in Business


The efforts made by the Prophet Muhammad, became interesting to review, because he lived in an Arab society with a jahiliyyah pattern that had no norms/ethics or morals in the business world. Prophet Muhammad SAW grew up and grew up in a respected and wealthy family, but did not make him sit idly by to get sustenance, but he went on a business trip that prioritized politeness, honesty and sincerity, thus making all groups amazed at his personality, from here we look first at the business run by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The researcher uses a qualitative methodology with a historical approach. Researchers try to uncover the historical facts behind the success of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in business. Through a historical approach, it is hoped that it can provide an overview of business and marketing today, and in the future that we must emulate and practice by all human beings who make Prophet Muhammad SAW the Prophet of Allah's messenger. The principles of efficiency and effectiveness are used to measure the level of success of a business. This principle encourages academics and practitioners to look for various ways, techniques and methods that can achieve the highest level of efficiency and effectiveness. The more efficient and effective a company is, the more competitive the company is. In other words, in order to be successful in running a business, by having the characteristics of Siddiq, Amanah, Tablik and Fathonah which can be used as the basic capital to apply the principles of efficiency and effectiveness. His experience as a trader of the Prophet Muhammad long before he was sent by Allah SWT to be a prophet and apostle. And from several experiences the Prophet Muhammad was revealed in the form of a word after he was sent. In practice he always upholds humanity and is not only worldly oriented. He always maintains honesty, trust, professional, friendly and generous in all his activities, especially in his business.


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How to Cite

Mustafa, M. (2022). CREATIVE, VISIONARY, THE POWER OF LOVE BUSINESS NABI MUHAMMAD, SAW. SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah, 1(2), 498–520.