Strategi Teoretis untuk Mengembangkan Kolaborasi Pendidikan antara Universitas dan SMA Berbasis Desain Komunikasi Visual
Collaboration, Visual Communication Design, Curriculum, Practical Skills, Educational SynergyAbstract
Collaboration between universities and high schools in the field of visual communication design is a strategic step to enhance the quality of education and the practical skills of students. However, the main issue faced is the lack of a clear and structured collaboration model, which hinders the creation of effective synergy between the two institutions. This research aims to develop a theoretical strategy to design a collaboration model that can be applied in high schools, focusing. The proposed approach includes the development of a joint curriculum between universities and high schools, as well as the implementation of training programs and practical activities that allow high school students to be directly involved in real design projects. This study also explores the important role of lecturers and teachers as facilitators in building communication and sustainable collaboration processes. The solutions offered aim to connect the theory taught in high schools with the practices in universities, so that students can gain direct experience that is relevant to industry developments. The expected outcomes of this research include an applicable collaboration model that not only benefits high schools and universities but also provides opportunities for students to develop more comprehensive visual communication design skills. Furthermore, this model is expected to serve as a foundation for the development of broader educational collaboration programs in the future and support students’ readiness to face higher education challenges in the design field.
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