Implementasi Kebijakan Pendidikan Inklusif Melalui Tranformasi Manajemen Sekolah di SMA Negeri 3 Sanggau
Implementation, Inclusive Education, School ManagementAbstract
The principle of inclusive education policy is to integrate students with special needs in the general education environment, This research aims to decrypt the implementation of inclusive education policy through school management transformation at SMA Negeri 3 Sanggau. The school management component studied focuses on student management, curriculum and learning process. The type of research is qualitative descriptive. Interviews, observations, and documentation activities were carried out to collect data. Data sources of principals, educators and students. Data analysis uses Milles and Huberman's interactive model. Based on the results of the research, student management transformation consists of several stages, namely preparation, identification and assessment at the time of admission of new students. Then curriculum management transformation involves the development of the use of an independent curriculum that is adjusted to the inclusive adaptive curriculum of the duplication model. Furthermore, the transformation of learning process management at SMA Negeri 3 Sanggau includes 1) the preparation of learning tools including analysis of learning outcomes, learning objectives, learning goal flow, lesson plans or teaching modules, 2) the implementation of the process of teaching and learning activities in grade 3) assessment. Conclusion The implementation of the inclusive education policy has been pursued with the transformation of school management, but it still needs support from all parties so that SMA Negeri 3 can carry out inclusive education more optimally. Advice for school principals is expected to strive to establish collaboration and communication with related parties and teachers are willing to update knowledge related to inclusive education.
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