Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Melalui Penggunaan Media Flashcard Terintegrasi Permainan Tradisional di SDN 5 Tambun
Beginning Reading, Flashcard Media, Traditional GamesAbstract
The low initial reading ability of students is a problem in elementary schools and has a big influence on learning success. In this study the researcher sought to improve the initial reading ability of students so that an action was taken involving the use of flashcard media and play methods in the learning process. The aim of the research is to improve students' initial reading skills through the use of flashcard media integrated with traditional games in class II at SDN 5 Tambun. This type of research is classroom action research (PTK). The results of this research are that using flashcard media integrated with traditional games can improve students' initial reading skills. The results in cycle I obtained an increase in value of 60%. The results in cycle II experienced an increase so that a result of 86% was obtained. Learning using flashcard media which is then integrated with a creative traditional game of cat and mouse can improve the ability to read aloud in class II students at SDN 5 Tambun.
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