
  • Ilham Asdika Surya Permana Universitas Islam Majapahit
  • Moch. Ichdah A.H. Lailin Universitas Islam Majapahit
  • Fatihatul Lailiyah Universitas Islam Majapahit


Strategi Komunikasi, Ojek Online, Solidaritas, Komunitas


This research aims to understand how online motorcycle taxi drivers use communication strategies to build solidarity, with a focus on the Grabbike Majapahit Community Online Motorcycle Taxi Driver Community. This study uses a qualitative approach and a descriptive method to provide a concrete picture of communication and solidarity strategies in the community. This research is based on the theory of Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation (FIRO) and the theory of solidarity from Emile Durkheim. Informants are selected through purposive sampling, with criteria that include administrators and members of the Grabbike Majapahit Community. Data is collected through observation, interviews, and documentation, and then analyzed through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawn.The results of the study revealed that successful communication strategies include activities such as regular meetings (kopdar), social gatherings, and participation in other online motorcycle taxi community events that strengthen relationships between members. FIRO theory is applied to understanding interpersonal needs within a community, such as the need for acceptance, control, and closeness, all of which play a role in building solidarity. In addition, the theory of solidarity provides a basis for exploring collective values and emotional support among community members. The study concludes that effective communication and collaborative activities play a significant role in strengthening solidarity within the Grabbike Majapahit Community, which has a positive impact on the sense of community among all members. This research also contributes to the understanding of the dynamics of communication in the community and emphasizes the importance of solidarity between members.


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How to Cite

Permana, I. A. S., Lailin, M. I. A., & Lailiyah, F. (2024). STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI KOMUNITAS OJEK ONLINE DALAM MEMPERKUAT SOLIDARITAS. SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah, 3(8), 4192–4199. Retrieved from