
  • Arpandi Sekolah Tingggi Ilmu Administrasi (STIA) Amuntai
  • Siti Aminah Sekolah Tingggi Ilmu Administrasi (STIA) Amuntai




Effectiveness, Waste Management, Final Disposal Site (TPA)


The Effectiveness of Waste Management at the Batu Merah Final Disposal Site (TPA), Lampihong District, Balangan Regency. The phenomenon of the problem from the background is the lack of socialization by the government about waste management to the community, the lack of communication from field officers to cleaners about the punctuality of delivering waste to the landfill, the full landfill area causes an unpleasant odor in the community whose homes are close to the landfill site, Inadequate facilities and infrastructure. The use of the existing waste bank at the Batu Merah TPA has not run optimally. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of waste management at the Batu Merah TPA, Lampihong District, Balangan Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach with a qualitative descriptive type. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation and documentation. Sources of data were taken through withdrawal using Purposive Sampling, amounting to 13 people. The data analysis technique uses data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The data that has been obtained is tested for data credibility by extending the time of the researcher's participation in the field, observing the rigor, conducting triangulation according to the rules. The results of the study show that, 1) the effectiveness of waste management at TPΑ Batu Merah, Lampihong District, Balangan Regency has not been effective, this is because the indicators on the ability of officers, the reach of the program and sufficient staff have been effective, while the indicators that have not been effective have indicators of achievement, timeliness, the impact of the program. Perceived satisfaction, facilities and infrastructure, level of awareness and assessment. 2). The inhibiting factors are the lack of socialization from the government to the community regarding the waste management program, the waste bank program that is not working, the lack of heavy equipment, the waste capacity exceeding the limit, the timeliness of waste management, the lack of financial support and the low level of public awareness. 3). The driving factors are the ability of officers in effective working conditions, sufficient officers and many people who have temporary waste disposal sites (TPS). To the Balangan Regency Environmental Service to pay more attention to the UPTD TPA Batu Merah, because they really need financial assistance and procurement of heavy equipment. The Head of UPTD TPA Batu Merah should budget or make a proposal for requesting assistance regarding the addition of existing facilities at the TPA. To TPA officers so that they can carry out periodic checks on existing equipment and facilities. It is hoped that the community can increase awareness in terms of good and correct waste management, starting from home


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How to Cite

Arpandi, A., & Aminah, S. (2023). EFEKTIVITAS PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH PADA TEMPAT PEMBUANGAN AKHIR (TPA) BATU MERAH KECAMATAN LAMPIHONG KABUPATEN BALANGAN. SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah, 2(11), 4750–4755. https://doi.org/10.55681/sentri.v2i11.1809