
  • Rohendi Universitas Jayabaya
  • Felicitas Sri Marniati Universitas Jayabaya
  • Anriz Nazarudin Halim Universitas Jayabaya




PPAT, Responsibility, Formal Juridical


Abstract: The land deed making officer is a public official who is given the authority to make authentic deeds regarding certain legal acts regarding land rights or property rights to flats. PPAT is responsible for checking the requirements for the validity of the legal act in question, including matching the data contained in the certificate with the lists in the Land Office. if it is not applied, it will cause a legal consequence that causes sanctions for a PPAT. The theory used in this study is the theory of legal consequences and the theory of legal responsibility. The formulation of the problem raised in this thesis is how the legal consequences of the land deed officials in terms of making the deed that overrides the formal juridical aspects and how the responsibility of the land deed officials in terms of making the deed that overrides the formal juridical aspects. The method used in this study with the type of normative juridical research is legal research literature or secondary data with sources of primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. The research approach used is the approach of legislation (Statute Approach), case approach (Case Approach), analytical approach (Analytical Approach), conceptual approach (Conceptual Approach) and legal material collection techniques carried out by identifying and inventorying the rules of positive law, literature, books, journals, and other sources of legal materials, legal materials analysis techniques carried out by systematic interpretation of legal interpretation, and supported by the construction. In the results of this study can be obtained by the forgery into the authentic deed is a legal consequence that will cause a sanction. Sanctions imposed on PPAT in committing a criminal offense in his position, based on an investigation of an institution that is coaching and supervision PPAT PPAT. If you commit a criminal offense as a result arising from PPAT, namely sanctions for dismissal carried out by the Minister regarding sanctions for temporary dismissal, dismissal with respect to dismissal with disrespect.


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How to Cite

Rohendi, R., Marniati, F. S., & Halim, A. N. (2023). TANGGUNG JAWAB PIDANA PEJABAT PEMBUAT AKTA TANAH DALAM HAL PEMBUATAN AKTA YANG MENGESAMPINGKAN ASPEK YURIDIS FORMAL. SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah, 2(9), 3686–3695. https://doi.org/10.55681/sentri.v2i9.1523