
  • Muhammad Natsir Universitas Negeri Medan




Hybrid masculinity, Male Identity, Grooming Product, Advertisements.


The study aimed at constructing the identity of Indonesian men in grooming product advertisements based on hybrid masculinity theory by Bridges and Pascoe and Bridges and Barber. This study was conducted by qualitative method. The source of the data was taken from all the texts including embedded texts in the visual ads. The ads were from 8 different brands of grooming products, such as Pond’s Men, Nivea Men, Garnier Men, Men’s Biore, Rexona Men, Axe, Gillette, and Head & Shoulders. The technique for analyzing the data is thematic analysis. The results of this research showed that there are four thematic categories of the ads which showed the phenomenon of hybrid masculinity, they are bodywork, caring, heterosexuality, and family. From the analysis, the researcher found that the theme of bodywork is often used in advertising the grooming product. The researcher concluded that the identity of Indonesian men built on advertisements for grooming products is a man who prioritizes cleanliness and beauty in appearance with physically macho, as well as tough and sensitive to their surroundings


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How to Cite

Natsir, M. (2023). A HYBRID MASCULINITY CONCEPT IN MEN’S GROOMING PRODUCT ADVERTISEMENT. SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah, 2(9), 3494–3500. https://doi.org/10.55681/sentri.v2i9.1488