
  • Esther Indah Pricilia Permatasari Sihombing Universitas Jayabaya
  • Yuhelson Universitas Jayabaya
  • Khalimi Khalimi Universitas Jayabaya


Land Registration, Land Rights, Land Certificate


Based On Government Regulation No. 24 Of 1997  About land registration, that land registration is done using the basis of sporadic system ddapat done with the conditions that have been determined. Namaun in fact many land disputes that occur in the community such as the registration of certificates of property rights on land objects that already have the basis of land tenure letter issued by the local village. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the legal consequences of land certificate holders on it have registered property rights in the name of others? How is the legal protection of land rights holders based on a land ownership letter on which property rights have been registered in the name of another person? The theory of law used in this study is the theory of legal consequences by Soeroso and the theory of legal certainty by Philipus M. Hadjon. The results showed that the legal consequences arising from the certificate is not obtained legal certainty to the owner of the land certificate on the object of the dispute. This resulted in the owner of land rights based on the land certificate can not control the objwk, so it is thought necessary especially to the Land Office to lenih careful in conducting the assessment of Juridical data and physical data so that no land disputes arise in the future


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How to Cite

Sihombing, E. I. P. P., Yuhelson, Y., & Khalimi, K. (2023). PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM TERHADAP PEMEGANG HAK ATAS TANAH YANG DI ATASNYA TELAH TERDAFTAR HAK MILIK ATAS NAMA ORANG LAIN. SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah, 2(8), 3085–3093. Retrieved from