Cooperatif Tipe Jigsaw, hasil belajarAbstract
This research aims to improve students' storytelling skills in learning with the think pair share type cooperative learning method. This type of research is a Class Action (PTK) research with stages, namely: Planning, Implementation, Observation and Reflection. This research was carried out in cycle II. This research is located at SD Negeri Nenas with the research subjects of all students in grade V of SD Negeri Nenas totaling 20 people. The data collection techniques used by researchers in conducting research include observation techniques, tests, and documentation techniques. To find out the speaking ability of students, it can be found by comparing the number of students who completed and multiplied by 100 then divided by the number of all students. The results of this study show that the ability of students to listen through the use of the think pair share type cooperative learning method has improved well. This can be evidenced by the average achievement of learning completeness of class V students which amounted to 20 people, namely in the first cycle the percentage of completeness was 55% (11 people who completed) and in the second cycle the percentage of completeness was 85% (17 people who completed). The improvement in students' speaking skills is seen from the increase in the average score of the evaluation test. Another increase that occurred was in the activity of students in the classroom which was assessed using the observation sheet that had been provided by the researcher. Thus, from the results of the above study, researchers can conclude that the use of the think pair share type cooperative learning method can improve students' listening skills.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Freedy Yeremia Ollin, Karus M. Margareta, Maxsel Koro
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