Pregnant Women, Striae Gravidarum, Turmeric OitmentAbstract
Introduction: Report data from the Cadasari Community Health Center, Pandeglang Regency, shows that more than 65% of pregnant women who checked their pregnancies at the Community Health Center were recorded as experiencing striae gravidarum. Objective: This study aims to determine the treatment of Striae Gravidarum by administering turmeric ointment to second trimester pregnant women. Method: This research uses qualitative methods with a case study approach. Results: Pregnant women with striae gravidarum who were given regular turmeric ointment intervention experienced a reduction in the degree of striae from severe striae gravidarum to mild striae gravidarum, while pregnant women with striae gravidarum who were not given turmeric ointment intervention did not experience a reduction in the degree of striae. Conclusion: There are differences in outcomes between pregnant women with striae gravidarum who were given turmeric ointment intervention and those who were not given turmeric ointment intervention. It is hoped that pregnant women who have striae gravidarum can carry out treatment using complementary herbal therapy, one of which is by applying turmeric ointment to the part of the body that has striae gravidarum
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