


international business, international market, digital market, co-strategy, market entry strategy


Since the emergence of the digital era, changes have occurred in all aspects of life. This change also creates opportunities and challenges, especially in the international business world. Knowledge of market entry strategies in the digital era is an important matter. Therefore, a review is needed to understand the phenomena related to this topic. The method used in this review is a descriptive method of scientific articles obtained from Harzing's Publish or Perish tools. The results obtained indicate several important things that need to be known and variables that also need to be considered in dealing with market entry strategies in the digital era that can be used.


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How to Cite

Syahadat, R. M., & Peranginangin, J. (2023). MARKET ENTRY STRATEGIES DI ERA DIGITAL: SEBUAH TINJAUAN . SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah, 2(11), 4766–4774.