
  • Bagus Muhammad Ihsan Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak
  • Mutia Adhiva Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Pontianak



Drematophyte Fungi, Barber’s Comb, Tinea Capitis


Abstract: Dermatophytes are fungi that parasitize keratinized tissues such as human skin, nails and hair. Dermstophytosis is also called tinea and has variations according to its anatomical location, such as tinea capitis, tinea barre, tinea krkuris, tinea pedis and tinea corporis. Tinea capitis is a skin disease caused by dermatophyte fungi. Transmission of this disease is very easy through shoes, clothes, hats and combs that are used interchangeably, such as at barbershops and other public facilities. Barbershops are public places where disease transmission can occur from person to person through shavers, combs, scissors and razors. Symptoms of this infection can vary, generally the scalp will feel itchy, round bald spots appear, small boils in groups, scaly, red. This study aims to determine whether or not there are dermatophyte fungi on barber combs in the new city of Pontianak. This research uses a descriptive research design. The population of this research is barbers in the Pontianak New City area. The sample for this research was 30 combs used by barbers. The examination was carried out using the spread method on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar media.The results of examining samples of combs used by barbers in Pontianak Baru City showed that the combs were infected with Dermatophyte fungi. Of the 30 comb samples examined, 16 samples (53.3%) were found to be positive for Dermatophyte fungi and 14 samples (46.7%) were negative for fungi Dermatophytes.

      Based on the results of research conducted on barber combs in the new city of Pontianak, it was found that samples of combs were infected with dermatophyte fungi with microscopic characteristics, namely, the Trichophyton rubrum fungus is in the form of many small microconidia and arranged one by one, while Trichophyton mentagrophytes has the characteristics of shaped microconidia. round and clustered like grapes.


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How to Cite

Ihsan, B. M., & Adhiva, M. (2023). IDENTIFIKASI DERMATOFITA PADA SISIR TUKANG PANGKAS DI KOTA BARU PONTIANAK. SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah, 2(11), 4979–4987.