
  • Heri Yuristin Rivano Universitas Jayabaya
  • Wira Franciska Universitas Jayabaya
  • Erny Kencanawati Universitas Jayabaya



Legal Protection, Land Rights Holders, Certificate Duplication


Land disputes that occur today are caused by various kinds of community problems, one of which is a dispute over duplication of land rights certificates. This research was conducted with the aim of determining the legal consequences of the issuance of duplication of certificates on duplication of ownership of land rights, and legal protection of land rights holders against duplication of land ownership. The method used in this research is a normative juridical approach method, namely the fact and legislation approach. The specification of this research is descriptive analysis, namely by describing a condition or position of legal or nonlegal propositions. In this research, the author used primary data types through interviews and observations in the field supported by secondary data in the form of literature studies. The results of this research show that land disputes caused by duplication of certificates of ownership of land rights certainly have legal consequences. The legal consequences of duplication of land title certificates are nothing but legal uncertainty because there is more than one legal status in the same piece of land. In addition, duplication of land rights certificates can also cause public distrust in the legal certainty of land rights and at the same time to institutions authorized to issue certificates of ownership rights over land, in this case the National Land Agency. Legal protection for certificate owners caused by duplication of certificates where the results of the analysis carried out based on the Decision by the Panel of Judges in land dispute cases because one party considers there is duplication of title certificates in the same land plot, then both certificates of ownership of land parcels, not in the same land plot. Thus, that each certificate issued by the National Land Agency (BPN) of Bandung Regency, the location of the land is different not in one piece of land. So there is no duplication of certificates


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How to Cite

Rivano, H. Y., Franciska, W., & Kencanawati, E. (2023). PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM BAGI PEMEGANG HAK ATAS TANAH AKIBAT DUPLIKASI KEPEMILIKAN TANAH . SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah, 2(8), 2953–2960.