Analisis Bibliometrik: Pemanfaatan Augmented Reality Pada Lembaga Pelatihan
Augmented Reality, Bibliometric Analysis, Electricity, Energy, Renewable Energy, Training, UtilizationAbstract
The use of augmented reality/AR in the world of formal and non-formal education has been carried out with the results of AR greatly helping educators and students in improving their understanding of the learning process. Research on the use of AR in non-formal education conducted from 2000 to 2021 shows that AR has a high promotional effect. Although many studies related to the use of AR have been carried out, research on the use of AR in training institutions is still small and needs to be studied more deeply regarding its suitability for the type of training institution. To find the latest research, two applications were used, namely through the website and Vos Viewer/VV using article metadata from 2014 to 2024. The results of visualization on the VV application show that there is still little research related to the research theme. This study aims to find out whether AR can be used in training institutions or not, especially at the Center for Human Resources Development of Electricity, New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (PPSDM KEBTKE). The writing of this article uses a quantitative approach with a bibliometric analysis method. The analysis stage begins by searching for articles on the internet using applications according to the theme and keywords related to the research. By taking the title of a research that has not been done much, the author conducted research with the results, the use of AR in training institutions, especially in PPSDM KEBTKE can be done.
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