Analysis of the Influence of Customer Experience, Facility Innovation, and Digital Marketing on Customer Satisfaction in Padma Hotel Bandung
customer experience, facility innovation, digital marketing, customer satisfaction, hospitality industryAbstract
The hotel industry is a cornerstone of the hospitality sector, facing intense competition driven by evolving guest expectations and technological advancements. As customer satisfaction plays a pivotal role in determining guest loyalty and long-term profitability, hoteliers increasingly adopt strategies that enhance the guest experience, innovate facilities, and leverage digital marketing. This research aims to analyze the influence of customer experience, facility innovation, and digital marketing on customer satisfaction in the hotel industry. This study used quantitative methods to collect data from 160 hotel guests through surveys and analyzed the findings using the PLS-SEM analysis tool. The sampling technique employed purposive sampling with the criteria of guests who had stayed at Padma Hotel Bandung and had used the facilities and services provided by the hotel. Selected guests had to meet certain criteria: they were at least 18 years old, had stayed at the hotel for more than one night, and had interacted with the hotel’s digital facilities and other innovations. The results reveal that customer experience, facility innovation, and digital marketing significantly impact customer satisfaction, with customer experience emerging as the most dominant factor. While facility innovation and digital marketing contribute positively, their effects are less pronounced compared to customer experience. These findings underscore the need for hotels to prioritize investments in guest experiences, modernize facilities, and implement effective digital marketing strategies to enhance customer satisfaction. The novelty of this research lies in its integrated approach to examining these three key factors simultaneously, addressing gaps in prior studies. By offering new insights into their collective influence, this research contributes to the development of comprehensive strategies aimed at boosting customer satisfaction and retention in the competitive hotel industry.
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