Pengaruh Pemasaran Media Sosial dan Pemasaran Influencer terhadap Beli Aktual Produk Keterlibatan Tinggi Berdasarkan Teori TPB
Actual Online Buying Behavior, High Engagement, Influencer Marketing, Online Buying Interest, Social Media MarketingAbstract
The development of social media as a marketing tool has changed the communication style between companies and consumers, including the way of sharing product and brand information to consumers. Consumers are no longer passive recipients of marketing materials. This study is a quantitative research using a survey research design. This research was carried out to conduct hypothesis testing. The sample in this study was determined purposively based on the respondents' criteria, namely, as social media users and had made online purchases of high-engagement products. The determination of the number of research samples is carried out by multiplying the total research indicators by 5 (as the minimum sample) and 10 (as the maximum sample). Referring to the formulation of determining the number of samples with an indicator of 35 multiplied by the maximum sample size, the sample to be taken is 350 respondents with a purposive sampling method using online techniques through google form. Meanwhile, the analysis tool used in this study is descriptive analysis with the Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis method.
The results of the study showed that social media marketing had a significant influence on buyinghabits, influencer marketing had a significant influence on buyinghabits, and buying interest had a significant influence on actual online buying behaviour.
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