Konsep Pemimpin dan Kepemimpinan dalam Islam
Leadership, Leader's Commitment, Leadership in IslamAbstract
Discourse on leadership and leadership is something that never stops in conversation from time to time. Past, present and future, the conversation about leaders is widely discussed and analyzed from various perspectives. Leadership in Islam is an Islamic perspective that is the basis of thinking must have a concept that is in accordance with Islamic teachings. Leaders must be able to unite people and be able to direct them in such a way as to achieve a specific goal. A leader must have the ability to regulate his leadership environment and be able to lead, guide, guide and show the path that is pleasing to Allah SWT. Leaders should have personal qualities such as; authoritative, honest, reliable, wise and so on, so that they are admired by their subordinates and have positive values. The study of leaders from an Islamic perspective, by elaborating the verses of the Qur'an thematically, because Islamic teachings must be a very important and strategic part to emerge. Because from there the ideals of justice, fame and truth will be upheld. Of course, everything refers to the shari'a benchmark in order to avoid the interests of individuals, other groups that can weaken a leader's commitment to fighting for truth and justice in order to realize the fame of the community he leads.
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