Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah Tentang Pendidikan Al-Qur’an di Kecamatan Soreang Kota Parepare
Implementation, Al-Qur'an Education, Government PolicyAbstract
The implementation of government policies related to Quranic education in Soreang District, Parepare City, is an important issue that needs to be studied and comprehensively understood. Therefore, research and analysis are necessary to ensure that the implementation process, particularly in terms of teaching and development, is given priority so that the Quranic education policies issued by the government can be successful and effective. Without government policies related to Quranic education, the community members who manage Quranic education programs, such as Quranic Education Parks (Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran), would lack legitimacy. The implementation of government policies include: the first aspect concerns the government policies themselves; the second pertains to Quranic education as the substance of the research; and the third involves the urgency and benefits of Quranic education for the Muslim community in Soreang District, Parepare City. These three aspects will be discussed in this article to be understood and serve as a learning resource, especially for Muslims, particularly children and adolescents, who must understand and possess the ability to read the Quran. The implementation of government policies related to Islamic education outside formal schools should be a concern for all, including parents, community leaders, religious figures, and Muslim children, so that its implementation can meet expectations. If Muslim children and adolescents can read the Quran fluently, then the success of Quranic education in Soreang District, Parepare City, can be categorized as a successful in the community. The success of Quranic education in this district is marked by the ability of teachers (ustads and ustadzahs) to effectively teach their students, evidenced by their ability to read the Quran well. The implications of this research are: first, the government's policy provides ample opportunities for the Muslim community to educate their children in Quranic educational institutions, such as Quranic Education Parks in Soreang District, Parepare City. Second, there is a realization of improved quality in teaching, especially Quranic education, as Quranic education requires qualified teachers. Third, the students (santri) who receive knowledge from these educators will be able to understand and apply it in their worship, religious life, and community involvement.
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