Pengembangan Program BK Komprehensif Berdasarkan Kebutuhan Peserta Didik di SMP
Program BK, Analisis Kebutuhan Peserta Didik (AKPD), Kematangan emosi, Kesadaran genderAbstract
In the implementation of guidance and counseling, it can use Student Needs Analysis (AKPD) as one of the tools to obtain information about student needs. The purpose of this study is to develop a Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling program based on student needs using AKPD in junior high schools. This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach. The data collection technique used the Student Needs Questionnaire (AKPD) adapted from Andori. The results of the study stated that student needs need to be considered in terms of personal potential, social potential and career potential. With this study, it is hoped that the dissemination of the use of the Student Needs Questionnaire (AKPD) in schools will continue, and students will receive effective support to improve personal, social, learning and career knowledge.
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