Relevance of Curriculum Development to National Education Goals and 21st Century Competencies
Curriculum Development, National Education Goals, 21st Century CompetenciesAbstract
Curriculum development is based on the realisation that the development and changes that occur in the life of society, nation and state in Indonesia cannot be separated from the influence of global changes, developments in science and technology, as well as arts and culture. Curriculum development is carried out with reference to national standards in Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the national education system. The writing of this article aims to examine how the relevance of curriculum development with national education goals and 21st century competencies. The writing of this article uses a systematic review method based on several references in the form of books and articles as well as online scientific publications. The conclusion of this article is that the relevance of curriculum development to the goals of national education and 21st century competencies is very close, because they support each other to create a holistic, adaptive, and future-oriented education. Therefore, curriculum development needs to be designed to shape the character of students who are faithful, pious, noble, and have broad insight and master various skills needed in the 21st century.
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