Perlindungan Bagi Indonesia Sebagai Negara Tuan Rumah Dalam Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) antara Indonesia dan Uni Emirat Arab


  • Navy Sasmita Universitas Indonesia



BIT, Negara Tuan Rumah, Perlindungan


Investment still becomes one of the options of the Government of Indonesia to achieve economic growth targets. Foreign investment which is part of investment activities is a form of symbiotic mutualism that benefits both Indonesia and foreign investors. Furthermore, to regulate the relationship between Indonesia and foreign investors, it is necessary to set out in an international investment agreement document, one of which can be poured into a Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT). Research that has been conducted on the existence of BITs in the field of international investment generally still focuses on the protection of foreign investors. This article will discuss aspects of protection for Indonesia in terms of its position as a host country through the clauses in the BIT that have been signed and are binding between Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates. The research method in writing this article uses the normative juridical method by searching for library materials or secondary data. Based on the results of the research, it is known that the clauses in the BIT between Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates have included protection for the host country, among others, through the existence of corporate social responsibility clauses and the right to regulate.


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How to Cite

Sasmita, N. (2024). Perlindungan Bagi Indonesia Sebagai Negara Tuan Rumah Dalam Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) antara Indonesia dan Uni Emirat Arab. Jurnal Ilmiah Global Education, 5(4), 2483–2494.