Enhancing Ninth-Grade Writing Skills: Mind Mapping and Team Game Tournament Techniques for Teaching Report Texts


  • Syaadiah Arifin Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka (Uhamka) Jakarta-Indonesia
  • Sulastri Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka (Uhamka) Jakarta-Indonesia




Mind Mapping (MP), Team Game Tournament (TGT), Report Writing Skills, Mixed-Methods Approach, Student Engagement


This study investigates the effectiveness of Mind Mapping and Team Game Tournament (TGT) techniques in enhancing the report writing skills of ninth-grade students at SMPN 7 Tangerang. The research was conducted over the first semester of the 2023/2024 academic year, involving 67 participants divided into two groups for each teaching method. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the study combined quantitative analysis of pre-test and post-test scores with qualitative insights from semi-structured interviews to evaluate and compare the impact of each technique. Quantitative findings indicated that both methods significantly improved students' writing abilities. The Mind Mapping group's average scores increased from 65.52 to 82.91, while the TGT group's scores rose from 64.53 to 80.35. However, the difference in effectiveness between the two techniques was not statistically significant. Qualitatively, students expressed a preference for Mind Mapping for its simplicity and aid in organizing thoughts and generating ideas. Conversely, TGT was favored for its engaging and collaborative nature, enhancing learning through competitive and cooperative dynamics. The study suggests that both techniques are valuable educational tools. It recommends their continued use to cater to different learning styles, potentially in combination, to maximize student engagement and learning outcomes in writing education.


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How to Cite

Arifin, S., & Sulastri. (2024). Enhancing Ninth-Grade Writing Skills: Mind Mapping and Team Game Tournament Techniques for Teaching Report Texts . Jurnal Ilmiah Global Education, 5(3), 2306–2316. https://doi.org/10.55681/jige.v5i3.3369