Pengaruh Workplace Well-being terhadap Kinerja Guru SMA Islam X


  • Dwi Nurmatin Shantya Viratama Program Studi Psikologi, Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia
  • Zamralita Program Studi Psikologi, Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia



workplace well-being, teacher performance, school


Teachers are one of the main driving components of education and the country's future. Therefore, teacher performance is an important thing to pay attention to in efforts to maintain the quality and value of education itself. When teachers have good work quality, the education system can run well and will produce quality school graduates. For this reason, it is very important to always improve the quality and performance of teachers, one of which is through improving teacher work welfare. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of workplace well-being on teacher performance and teaching quality. Based on the findings and analysis carried out, it can be concluded that: 1) Teacher performance increases along with an increase in workplace well-being, as evidenced by the significant average performance at a higher level of workplace well-being. 2) The distribution of performance data is more stable at that level, indicating a more stable and predictable work environment. 3) Statistical analysis confirms the positive relationship between workplace well-being and teacher performance, supported by significant correlation values ​​and hypothesis testing. 4) The coefficient of determination shows that around 24.6% of the variance in teacher performance is explained by workplace well-being, confirming the importance of employee welfare in increasing productivity.


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How to Cite

Viratama, D. N. S., & Zamralita. (2024). Pengaruh Workplace Well-being terhadap Kinerja Guru SMA Islam X. Jurnal Ilmiah Global Education, 5(3), 1920–1933.