Upaya Meningkatkan Produktivitas Melalui Inovasi kemasan Pada Usaha Kerupuk Kulit Sapi “Ayang” Di Mataram
produktivitas, UMKM, strategi pemasaran, inovasi kemasanAbstract
Community service aims to increase the productivity of the "Ayang" skin crackers in Mataram through packaging innovation. The community service activities were motivated by the problems faced by partners who had limitations in their product packaging, which made product sales slow in their development. This community service activity was carried out by counseling and assisting in choosing and packaging products and conducting market research related to consumer responses to new packaging. From the results of the counseling carried out, partners got a change in mindset related to the importance of innovation in packaging and good types of packaging so partners had the desire to change the packaging to increase the productivity of their product sales. It is hoped that this activity will motivate partners to innovate further and learn and explore the knowledge they have related to other marketing strategies such as promotion and distribution of the products produced.
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