Pelaksanaan Program Asistensi Mengajar Angkatan I di SMK Kehutanan Wana Wisata Sekaroh Lombok Timur
Asistensi mengajar, SMK Kehutanan, Merdeka Belajar, Kampus MerdekaAbstract
Education is the process of forming an individual’s character into someone who possesses useful knowledge in daily life. The teaching assistance Program was one of the government’s efforts to improve the quality of learning activities in Indonesia. This article aims to provide an explanation of the implementation of the Teaching Assistance Program for the first-year students of the Forestry Program at Mataram University, conducted at the Forestry Vocational School, Wana Wisata Sekaroh, Jerowaru Subdistrict, East Lombok. This activity took place approximately 4 months. The method of implementing the program consisted of orientation, deployment, observation, planning program, report, program execution, and evaluation. The activities carried out included teaching program, assisting with school administration, creating a school garden, assisting with technology adaptation, conducting outreach to students about the graduate from Yunior High School and the nearest junior high school, creating banners and posters, establishing a Numeracy Literacy Garden, Planting tree sapling within the school, and making charcoal briquettes from corn husk, The series of activities were carried out successfully.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Baiq Elok Salsabila Halimah, Harits Firmansyah, Maulia Hidayati, Muhammad Irham, Ratna Ayu Istiani, Dini Lestari, Andrie Ridzki Prasetyo, Andrie Ridzki Prasetyo, Hasyyati Shabrina, Fauzan Fahrussiam, Nurul Chaerani, Musdi Musdi

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