Digitalisasi Branding dan Marketing Produk UMKM Bikang, Kue Kukus, dan Lemper Di Desa Sragi, Kec. Sukorejo, Kab. Ponorogo
Digitalisation, Branding, MarketingAbstract
Community service through KKN-Thematic this time runs for less than a month by running programs to establish digitalisation developments and create names, logos, and WA Business accounts for MSME partners Bikang, Steamed Cake, and Lemper. The origin of the KKN-T theme this time was to see the problems that exist in UMKM Bikang, Kue Kukus, and Lemper. The programme implementation has been carried out in accordance with the plan. The implementation steps include the survey and observation stages of partner conditions, the partner mentoring and guidance stage, and the creation and inauguration of an attractive name, logo, and WA Business account for partners. After applying the digitalisation method and the implementation of mentoring and guidance, Keysa Delight MSMEs are actually producing Bikang, Steamed Cake, and Lemper products effectively in branding and marketing, and efficiently in production, in addition to the running of this program, MSME owners are increasingly active to remain istiqamah in producing. So the hope is that these MSMEs will grow to always be able to develop and continue the programme after this KKN-T ends.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2024 Umma Fatayati, S.Pd.I, M.Pd., M Insan Fathoni, Anggi Jihadi Darma, Hildan Zulfisyah Aqwam, Iqbal Sya'labi Anhar, Rizki Saefunuha Alfajar, Ahmad Husni, Zainatul Ahsan, Muhammad Azmi Ar-Rifai, Abdur Rosyid

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