Pemberdayaan Kelompok Desa Mitra: Ibu Hamil dan Kader dalam Meningkatkan Pengelolaan Ibu Hamil Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Dini Stunting Di Desa Tunggulo Kecamatan Limboto Barat Kabupaten Gorontalo
Education, Anemia, StuntingAbstract
Anemia is one of the public health problems in Indonesia that needs attention from the government and the community in general. Various causes of anemia include iron deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, folic acid deficiency, bleeding and infectious diseases. Pregnant women are very susceptible to anemia because the pregnant woman's body's need for iron increases with increasing gestational age. Pregnant women with anemia will have a suboptimal impact on the growth and development of the fetus in the womb which is the precursor to the child experiencing stunting. The purpose of this community service is to empower partner village groups, namely cadres, social groups of pregnant women in increasing knowledge about anemia in pregnant women as an effort to prevent early stunting by forming social groups of pregnant women and community groups concerned with anemia in Tunggulo Village, West Limboto District. The Implementation Method is carried out with a target of 20 participants consisting of cadres, social groups of pregnant women and anemia care groups. The activities carried out are anemia screening in pregnant women. Education for cadres and pregnant women using lecture and discussion methods. Assistance to cadres by supervising and monitoring in conducting Hb examinations. The results of community activities, 100% of pregnant women carried out blood level checks, 100% of cadres carried out Hb level checks correctly.
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