Ethnobotanical Study of Food Plant Diversity Tubers at Suralagga Village East Lombok


  • Lalu Amrullah Program Studi Teknologi Pangan, Institut Teknologi dan Kesehatan Aspirasi, Indonesia



Ethnobotany, Food Plants, Suralaga


Suralaga village is located in Suralaga sub-district, East Lombok Regency, has great potential as a producer of tuber food because it has fertile agricultural land, this research uses exploratory or cruising methods and the data obtained is then analysed descriptively qualitative. From the results of the study found 5 families, namely: Euphorbiaceae family consists of 1 species namely Manihot esculenta Crantz (Cassava) with 2 colour variants namely: white colour and yellow colour. The Convolvulaceae family consists of 1 species, namely Ipomoea batatas L (Sweet potato) with 3 colour variants, namely: purple colour, white colour, purple colour. The Dioscoreaceae family consists of 1 species Dioscorea esculenta (Gembili). The Aracea family consists of 1 species of Colocasia esculenta (Taro) and the Cannaceae family consists of 1 species of Canna Discolor (Ganyong).



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How to Cite

Amrullah, L. (2024). Ethnobotanical Study of Food Plant Diversity Tubers at Suralagga Village East Lombok. Jurnal Ilmiah Global Education, 5(3), 2252–2258.