
  • Ulin Nafiah Universitas Karya Husada Semarang
  • Ummi Salamah Universitas Karya Husada
  • Nur Farikhah Universitas Karya Husada




Promotif, Rehabilitatif, Anemia, Pendekatan, Keluarga


The anemia control program that is carried out is to provide iron supplement tablets, namely Fe preparations which aim to reduce anemia rates in toddlers, pregnant women, postpartum women, young women, and WUS (Women of Reproductive Age). Prevention of anemia in pregnant women is carried out by giving 90 tablets of Fe to pregnant women during their pregnancy. The role and function of the family is very important when one of the family members has health problems. Families can provide motivation to patients, remind patients to take medication and monitor their health. Because of this, it is necessary to provide assistance and supervision of taking Fe tablets by husbands for pregnant women who are taking Fe tablets.

This service aims to provide "Promotive and Rehabilitative Efforts for Anemia Pregnant Women with a Family Approach to increase the adherence of pregnant women to consuming Fe tablets and prevent anemia in pregnant women in Langenharjo Village". The method used in this activity was in the form of mentoring and health education using leaflet media and giving Fe and Vitamin Tablets. The activity was carried out in Langenharjo Village in the Margorejo Health Center area, Pati Regency, carried out by 2 midwifery lecturers assisted by midwifery students. Target families with pregnant women with anemia. This service activity was carried out twice, namely on January 30, 2023 in the class of pregnant women providing counseling about anemia, iron (Fe) in pregnant women, giving iron tablets (Fe tablets) and multivitamins, the activity was attended by 10 pregnant women, 3 people cadres and 1 village midwife. out of 10 pregnant women who came, 2 pregnant women were found to be anemic, namely 10.5 gr% and 11.1 gr%. Pregnant women who are anemic are monitored by conducting home visits on February 7 2023 to the families of Mr. A and Mr. F. The evaluation monitors the consumption of Fe tablets and multivitamins in pregnant women, and recommends re-examination of Hb levels at the nearest health center.


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