
  • Meylani A'naabawati Universitas Widya Nusantara
  • Nivita Nanda Gabrela Tosubu Universitas Widya Nusantara
  • Niluh Nita Asriyani Universitas Widya Nusantara
  • Ni Kadek Phani Ardiani Universitas Widya Nusantara
  • Ni Nyoman Tina Dwi Susanti Universitas Widya Nusantara
  • Priyanti Octa Ria Arista Universitas Widya Nusantara
  • Arsad Kristian Lapuno Universitas Widya Nusantara
  • Mohammad Fauzan Baso Universitas Widya Nusantara



Counseling, PROLANIS Gymnastics, Diabetes Mellitus


Diabetes mellitus is classified as a chronic disease, although it cannot be cured, it can be controlled by recognizing the symptoms early and handling them easier to avoid complications. One way to prevent complications is to keep blood sugar under control by administering PROLANIS gymnastics (Chronic Disease Management Program) which can reduce morbidity and mortality due to Diabetes Mellitus through promotive, preventive and curative efforts for sufferers Diabetes Mellitus. The purpose of this community service is to find out if there is an increase in the knowledge of the community with diabetes mellitus in Kanuna Village about PROLANIS gymnastics. The method used in the implementation of this community service is counseling and assistance with PROLANIS gymnastics for people with diabetes mellitus. The result of implementing this work program is that there is an increase in the knowledge of people who suffer from diabetes mellitus about PROLANIS gymnastics with a percentage of 93.75% in the pre-test and after being given counseling there is an increase with a percentage of 100% in the post-test and the results of implementing Prolanis gymnastics in diabetics mellitus, namely a decrease in blood sugar levels with a percentage of 75% on the pre-test and after the intervention there was a decrease in the respondent's blood sugar level with a percentage of 56.25%. The conclusion of this community service can be a reference for carry out these activities in a manner routine as a form of controlled blood sugar control in Hamlet I of Kanuna Village so that people who suffer from diabetes mellitus can carry out activities independently in meeting their needs in order to improve their quality of life.


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