Literation, Sharia Financial, EduFines Media, Elementary SchoolAbstract
The problem in HR 24 Surabaya is that there is no integration of Sharia economic learning patterns both in the curriculum and activities outside the classroom. In line with the global issue of the Islamic financial literacy emergency, the content of economic materials in elementary schools needs to be integrated in order to understand and cultivate them from an early age in the hope of increasing the literacy index and better implementation of Islamic finance. The solution offered is through EduFines media as a means to be able to know, explore, understand and become a medium for cultivating material and islamic economic and financial values. Through creative and interesting media in accordance with the stages of skill needs of elementary school age children as well as media that includes assignments in line with the growth and development of HR 24 Surabaya students. The forms of activities that have been carried out by the abdimas team include; Workshop on Islamic Financial Literacy through Islamic financial education media, Training on the Implementation of Sharia Economy and Finance through EduFines Media (Islamic Financial Education) in accordance with the curriculum for HR Teachers 24 Surabaya, Practice using EduFines Media in introducing, understanding and internalizing the concept of Islamic finance in everyday life.
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