
  • Norma Arif Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Bahari Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Doddy Ismunandar Bahari Universitas Sembilan belas November
  • Astrid Indalifiany Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Husnaeni Universitas Sembilan belas November



Community Service, Fish Balls, Household Scale


Fish-balls Processing businesses in Korumba Subdistrict, Kendari City, are generally home industry that are conducted to fill leisure time and in form household scale. This product can be enriched with Moringa leaves and chopped carrots, which are the source of vegetable protein and fiber. The target of community service is Dasawisma Kemuning which has 10 members. The objective of these community service efforts is to enhance the knowledge and abilities of Dasawisma Kemuning members in terms of (1) the production process of fish balls in healthy way and nutritious; (2) principles of making hygienic functional fish balls (3) business implementation of processed functional fish ball products that enriched with Moringa leaves and chopped carrots on a household scale; (4) the benefits of processed fish ball products as functional food that is cheap, healthy and nutritious. Derived from the entirety of training activities, not only in discussions, but also in demonstrations of making functional fish balls. The findings indicated that participants' understanding of the training content improved significantly, rising from an average score of 27.55% before the training to 98.25% in the final evaluation. Based on field implementation from the functional fish ball business shows that a raw material requirement of 2 kg/day, 295 fish balls were obtained. Based price per item of IDR 1100,- a profit/month of IDR is obtained. 3,135.00,-. Calculations of the financial aspects of functional fish balls have been resulting in a BEP value (product units sold) of 746. If in one month you can sell 746 fish balls, all costs incurred in a month are covered.


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