Branding, Optimization, Organic ProductsAbstract
Agriculture is the mainstay sector for Tabanan Regency, especially Jatiluwih Village, Penebel District. Most of the people, 87%, have their main livelihood in the agricultural sector, namely: rice farming, plantations and animal husbandry. There is organic farming land and horticultural farming land with a land area of 114.59 hectares. This service aims to increase the knowledge and skills of the target community regarding product branding in an effort to increase the added value of agricultural products. The methods used in this service activity are observation, interviews, discussions and lectures, where the implementing team conducts dialogues discussing agricultural product branding. The results of the service show that strengthening agricultural products through product branding is able to develop, promote and build public brand awareness of agricultural products. In this way, agricultural products are able to compete in product exhibitions and can be used as souvenirs typical of the Jatiluwih Tourism Village, which has an impact on improving the community's economy significantly
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