
  • Misrah Universitas Megarezky




Creative Economy, Digital Economy, Entrepreneurship, Economic Development, Millennials


This article discusses the potential for SMAS Batara, Gowa Regency, to foster the development of the millennial generation through the creative economy and entrepreneurship. The creative economy is a novel economic concept that emphasizes the role of information, creativity, and human resources in the production and growth of the economy. Utilizing extant knowledge, cultural heritage, and technology, the creative economy can contribute significantly to the national economy and generate value. Good planning and organization, government support, the creation of jobs, and research and development can all contribute to the growth of the creative economy. Human resources play a crucial role in the creative economy, and their development is possible through education, training, and the application of technology. Generation Y has the potential to fuel economic growth through the creative economy, and their participation can be encouraged through education, support, empowerment, and the development of creative ecosystems. The implementation of seminars and similar activities can help millennials develop their entrepreneurial skills and knowledge, allowing them to participate actively in the economy. However, students' understanding of the creative economy is still deficient. Economic and entrepreneurship education must be enhanced in order to foster creativity and innovation among students. In the creative economy, millennials must develop skills, innovate, create networks, prioritize sustainability, become entrepreneurs, take risks, and leverage technology.


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