
  • Asnal Mala Fakultas Agama Islam Sunan Giri, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Hanik Yuni Alfiyah Fakultas Agama Islam Sunan Giri, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Deviana Putri Putri Ari Sandy Fakultas Agama Islam Sunan Giri, Surabaya,Indonesia



Economic Development , Local Wisdom, Pujasera


The purpose of this research is to formulate a strategy for developing BUMDes Pujasera based on local wisdom in alleviating poverty in the village of Ketungan, Kriyan sub-district - Sidoarjo. The research respondents were 18 heads of traditional markets in the village of Keterungan, Kriyan sub-district - Sidoarjo. This study uses qualitative research with a case study approach with SWOT analysis. The results of the study show that opportunities for traditional markets in the future are people's income levels, inflation growth rates, traditional market revitalization policies, security stability, social concern for traditional markets, community respect, changes in people's tastes, and adoption of information technology, while the elements that pose a threat are the existence of modern markets as competitors and population growth. The strengths in the future are product diversity, local product uniqueness, product quality, merchandise arrangement, flexible pricing, and strategic location. Weaknesses are the availability of parking areas, transaction processing, promotions, cooperation with the tourism industry, orderly site zoning, market cleanliness, availability of public facilities, and customer service. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, it is necessary to maintain the position of the traditional market business in this digital era and the basis for its development strategy is the "Grow and Develop Strategy".


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