The Example of Prophet Muhammad as a Business Guide: An Islamic Solution for Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong
Business Guide, Prophet Muhammad, Islamic Solution, Indonesian Migrant Workers,Abstract
This community service activity aimed to teach ethical business practices inspired by Prophet Muhammad to Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong. Conducted in early September 2024 at the Ramayana Hall, Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Hong Kong, the program utilized PowerPoint presentations and interactive Q&A sessions. Participants demonstrated high enthusiasm and provided positive feedback, highlighting the relevance of the material to their challenges, such as managing small businesses and maintaining professional ethics. The content emphasized the importance of honesty, trustworthiness, fairness, and customer satisfaction as foundations of Islamic business practices. This culturally and religiously grounded approach effectively encouraged participants to adopt better ethical standards in their professional lives. Follow-up programs, such as training in financial literacy and business planning, are recommended to enhance the sustainability of participants’ ventures
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