Partisipasi Masyarakat melalui Pengelolaan Sampah dalam Berkelanjutan Lingkungan di Desa Tanjung Sawit
partisipasi masyarakat, pengelolaan sampah, berkelanjutan lingkunganAbstract
Tanjung Sawit Village is almost 60% a labor area producing oil palm plants in Tapung District. Tanjung Sawit Village is inseparable from environmental problems, related to the management of plastic waste that is not optimal. If this is left unchecked, it will have an impact on the surrounding environment. Plastic waste as household waste after use is only burned or thrown away, this action not only pollutes the air but also wastes valuable resources. This problem is a challenge for students in carrying out the 2024 UMRI Real Work Lecture (KKN) by carrying out the work program: "Community Participation Through Waste Management in Environmental Sustainability in Tanjung Sawit Village". This program is accompanied by field supervisors (DPL) and practitioners. The community service method (PKM) is implemented through the KKN Program by carrying out several programs, namely: environment, health, education, Active and Creative. This PKM aims to: increase knowledge, plastic waste management, maintain health and environmental awareness, empowerment and cultivation of a healthy environment.
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