Penyuluhan Peningkatan Belajar Bahasa Inggris Berbasis English for Specific Purposes (ESP) di Madrasah Aliyah NW Jeruk Manis


  • Hendra Suryadi Institut Pendidikan Nusantara Global
  • Atika Salman Paris Institut Pendidikan Nusantara Global
  • Ahmad Zuhri Rosyidi Institut Pendidikan Nusantara Global



English for Specific Purposes, Hasil Belajar, Bermain Peran, Scenario Sintaks


The objective of community service is to train Madrasah Aliyah (MA) NW Jeruk Manis teachers in learning English for a specific purpose (ESP). The method used in the implementation of community service activities at NW Jeruk Manis is the role-playing method, which uses a learning model that is oriented to specific needs. The learning scenario is used as a concept in a hotel, with the topic "at the hotel". The course of learning: (1) listening and seeing picture explanations about restaurant and restaurant waiter expressions, (2) acting as customers and waiters, (3) making transactional and interpersonal conversations and monologues in English, (4) practicing the above conversation seriously as if it happened and it is very important to do in real life, (5) each member of the group presents it and discusses it together under the supervision of the teacher, (6) correctly recites words with good pronunciation, (7) practice making conversations with topics others related to the world of work and in the context of daily life, (8) working with groups to make conversations recorded on CD or video, (9) creating themselves to be practiced outside of school hours, and (10) finding other examples that are often used in natural conversation.  Service was held at MA NW Jeruk Manis Pemepek village Pringgarata district Lombok Tengah Regency. Subjects are language teachers with 3 hours of learning time.


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Joice, Bruce and Marsha Weils. (1986). Models of Teaching. New Jersey: Prentrice Hall




How to Cite

Suryadi, H., Paris, A. S., & Rosyidi, A. Z. (2024). Penyuluhan Peningkatan Belajar Bahasa Inggris Berbasis English for Specific Purposes (ESP) di Madrasah Aliyah NW Jeruk Manis. Devote : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Global, 3(2), 120–125.