Devote : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Global 2024-09-19T03:23:07+00:00 Atika Salman Paris, M.Pd Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Devote : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Global</strong> is aimed at publishing the results of the community service activity related to the development and application of science and technology, including concepts, models, and its implementation as an effort to enhance community participation in development. Starting from the year 2024, this journal is published quarterly a year (<strong>March, June, September,</strong> and <strong>December</strong>) with online version <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>E-ISSN: 2962-4029</strong></a>.</p> Pelatihan Kader Kesehatan Tentang Pemantauan Gula Darah pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sipatana Kota Gorontalo 2024-07-31T05:56:05+00:00 Kartin Buheli Ratnawati Rista Apriana <p><em>Diabetes Mellitus sufferers in Indonesia, especially in Gorontalo Province, are increasing every year. Diabetes Mellitus sufferers will live with the disease for life, so there is a need for continuation of care through self-care to support the achievement of optimal health status. One form of self-care management is monitoring blood sugar levels regularly so that Diabetes Mellitus sufferers can manage their therapy optimally. To support the success of self-care management, trained health cadres are needed to provide motivation. The aim of this community service is to increase the knowledge, skills and abilities of health cadres in carrying out independent care for family members suffering from Diabetes Mellitus in improving the quality of life for Diabetes Mellitus patients in the Sipatana Health Center Working Area. This Community Service activity was carried out in 2 stages, the first stage began with providing material related to Diabetes Mellitus, followed by training in conducting independent blood sugar checks using a glucotest. The second stage is supervision of procedures and monitoring of health cadres in monitoring blood sugar in Diabetes Mellitus patients. The results of the activity showed an increase in health cadres' knowledge and skills regarding Diabetes Mellitus and independent blood sugar checks, previously 100% knowledge and skills were less than 100% good after this activity was carried out. In conclusion, after community service training for health cadres on monitoring blood sugar levels in Diabetes Mellitus patients in the Sipatana Community Health Center Work Area, there was an increase in the number of visits from Diabetes Mellitus sufferers to check their blood sugar at health services by 95.8%.</em></p> 2024-09-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kartin Buheli, Ratnawati, Rista Apriana Digitalisasi Branding dan Marketing Produk UMKM Bikang, Kue Kukus, dan Lemper Di Desa Sragi, Kec. Sukorejo, Kab. Ponorogo 2024-08-19T02:00:24+00:00 Umma Fatayati, S.Pd.I, M.Pd. M Insan Fathoni Anggi Jihadi Darma Hildan Zulfisyah Aqwam Iqbal Sya'labi Anhar Rizki Saefunuha Alfajar Ahmad Husni Zainatul Ahsan Muhammad Azmi Ar-Rifai Abdur Rosyid <p><em>Community service through KKN-Thematic this time runs for less than a month by running programs to establish digitalisation developments and create names, logos, and WA Business accounts for MSME partners Bikang, Steamed Cake, and Lemper. The origin of the KKN-T theme this time was to see the problems that exist in UMKM Bikang, Kue Kukus, and Lemper. The programme implementation has been carried out in accordance with the plan. The implementation steps include the survey and observation stages of partner conditions, the partner mentoring and guidance stage, and the creation and inauguration of an attractive name, logo, and WA Business account for partners. After applying the digitalisation method and the implementation of mentoring and guidance, Keysa Delight MSMEs are actually producing Bikang, Steamed Cake, and Lemper products effectively in branding and marketing, and efficiently in production, in addition to the running of this program, MSME owners are increasingly active to remain istiqamah in producing. So the hope is that these MSMEs will grow to always be able to develop and continue the programme after this KKN-T ends.</em></p> 2024-09-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Umma Fatayati, S.Pd.I, M.Pd., M Insan Fathoni, Anggi Jihadi Darma, Hildan Zulfisyah Aqwam, Iqbal Sya'labi Anhar, Rizki Saefunuha Alfajar, Ahmad Husni, Zainatul Ahsan, Muhammad Azmi Ar-Rifai, Abdur Rosyid Penguatan Implementasi Permendikbudristek No. 53 Tahun 2023 pada Kurikulum di Universitas PGRI Silampari 2024-08-15T03:33:52+00:00 Dian Samitra Satinem Satinem <p><em>The Indonesian government seeks to guarantee the quality of education and adapt competencies according to world changes by making policies and regulations. Regulation of the Minister of Culture, Research and Technology no. 53 of 2023 concerning quality assurance of higher education, is one of the regulations that mandates study programs to facilitate students to study outside the study program. Apart from that, in this regulation, study programs must prepare an integrated Program Learning Outcome (PLO). Therefore, this activity aims to strengthen the implementation of Regulation of the Minister of Culture, Research and Technology no. 53 of 2023 in the curriculum at PGRI Silampari University. The methods used in this activity include material exposure and mentoring. The results of the activities of the study program curriculum development team were able to prepare a PLO and curriculum map in accordance with Regulation of the Minister of Culture, Research and Technology no. 53 of 2023. The curriculum development team arranges activities outside the study program according to nine forms of learning activities in the hope of facilitating graduate competency.</em></p> 2024-09-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Samitra, Satinem Satinem Peran Mahasiswa Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) dalam Upaya Membangun Desa Mengangkat Potensi UMKM Lokal Desa Tempuran 2024-09-19T03:23:07+00:00 Alwida Ardyanti Apriyanti Saristi Widiyaningrum <p><em>The form of community service carried out by students is “Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN)”. In an effort to raise the potential of “Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM)”, one of the activities that need to be carried out by KKN students is activities in the field of UMKM. For this reason, socialization activities are carried out with the aim that KKN students are able to formulate community service activity programs in the UMKM aspect. Socialization activities carried out by KKN students and UNIPMA lecturers to UMKM members in Tempuran Village with the theme “Building Villages Raising the Potential of Local UMKM”. This activity can be carried out well. This activity was attended by all members of Tempuran Village UMKM.</em></p> 2024-09-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alwida Ardyanti, Apriyanti, Saristi Widiyaningrum Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pesisir Melalui Program Mangrove In Action di Dusun Sembilang Desa Sungsang IV Banyuasin Sumatera Selatan 2024-09-19T03:19:43+00:00 Abdul Kholek Muhammad Yusuf Abror Gunawan Lestari Elake Dinar Tri Akbar <p><em>The existence of mangrove forests greatly supports the economy of the people in the coastal area as a home for crabs, fish breeding. Dusun Sembilang, Sungsang IV Tourism Village, located in Banyuasin Regency, has a land topography and the majority of waters, with mangrove trees along the coastline and has abundant natural resources. In addition, many mangrove fruits are wasted on the coast that have not been widely utilized by the local community. Whereas mangrove fruit can be utilized and processed with simple technology, for example, made into dish soap, jam, crafts and so on. Therefore, the implementation of community service activities to utilize mangrove fruit waste that has not been processed by the community. As one of the largest mangrove areas in Banyuasin, Sungsang IV Village was nominated as one of the 75 best tourism villages in Anugerah Desa Wisata (ADWI) 2023 by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition to having the potential of natural resources in the form of mangrove ecosystems as one of the leading destinations, the commitment of the community and various local communities in the development of tourism villages, for example Pokdarwis, Karang Taruna, Bujang Gadis Sungsang, Laskar Lindung Mangrove. As one of the important forces in encouraging sustainable tourism villages. This activity is carried out in the form of counseling, workshops, training, especially for productive youth and fisherwomen. The results of this service are the creation of innovative products for the needs of the local community that have an impact on social aspects, added value to economic income and awareness of the sustainability of mangrove forest ecosystems in coastal areas.</em></p> 2024-09-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Kholek, Muhammad Yusuf Abror, Gunawan Lestari Elake, Dinar Tri Akbar